Happy 7th Website Anniversary to TheStampNut.com

Congratulations to TheStampNut.com on their 7th website anniversary! Use coupon code “Happy 7th” at checkout and save 10% on all purchases above $100. https://thestampnut.com/

Here’s a message from the Stamp Nut himself, Don. 🙂

Hi Everyone!

Seven years ago today, I launched TheStampNut.com website and you can share in celebrating another year. I’d just like to take a moment to say thank you to all those who have made purchases over these past 7 years. I appreciate YOU! The best way to say thank you is by offering a 10% discount on all purchases above $100.00 by using the coupon code “Happy 7th” at checkout. This offer ends at Midnight today! I expect there will be many that order so please allow me an extra day or so to get your orders out. Also please note if you wish to add insurance to your orders, please add it at the time of checkout by clicking the box. It’s helps us both in assuring your order arrives safe and without issue in today’s mail troubles. With USPS rate increases nearly every 6 months, I’ve not raised the cost once again. Thank you all for your support and Happy Philately!~Don ~
Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Don, aka…TheStampNut